
Makin' whoopie......

Hold on to your hats ladies this is no ordinary whoopie pie. I've had chocolate on the brain lately and instead of making a chocolate cake or chocolate chip cookies I decided an unconventional whoopie pie would do the trick. The other day Katy and I were grocery shopping & we tortured ourselves by going down the ice cream aisle. But it gave us a fabulous idea! Instead of filling whoopie pies with the regular fluff why not ice cream? Genius! Thanks Katy :) Pistachio, buttered pecan, mint oh my.....
I love sharing our family recipes with everyone so when I saw this whoopie pie recipe from Katy Elliot I knew I had to share it. This is such a great recipe for summer. Make the pies and fill them with your favorite ice cream...now come on what's better than that?


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