
How to exfoliate for better, brighter skin

Brand new year means brand new beauty habits right? Well I learned a pretty great one from TBD. I had actually heard of this "exfoliating dry face technique" before but I was a little scared to try it. Wouldn't that harm my skin? Actually NOT! It has changed my skin for the better. Just wet your finger tips, take a face exfoliator and rub onto your dry face. Keep in mind when you exfoliate your face you don't need to rub extremely hard to make that "penny shine." Just rub your forehead or your chin for a little longer you'll get those great results without the rug burn. You can even use your palms to rub your cheeks if you need to for a little better coverage. This technique promotes new skin growth and puts your best face forward. So all those pesky dark spots or that dry skin, be gone! After one use you'll feel the difference.


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