
oil DOES fight oil


If someone had told me a while back that you could wash your face with olive oil I would've called them crazy straight to their face. I mean come on my t-zone is oily enough, why would I put oil on top of oil?
DON'T be afraid of applying oil to your face. Oil, alone, will not bring you blemishes. Pimples, blackheads, & whiteheads are caused by different things including hormones, bacteria & dead skin cells.
The thing is, when you use soap or cleanser on your skin, you are stripping your skin of its natural oils. But those oils have a purpose - they make your skin softer and more supple and they provide a protective layer to keep dirt out of your pores. Oil pulls out the gunk and debris from your pores and moisturizes your skin. It can remove excess oil, but it doesn't throw your skin out of balance. Just remember all skin types are different. My skin loved it, hopefully yours will too!



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